We are only 3-weeks away from WSSC!
Instructor invitation, Owners and Partners OFS in the Caribbean Region
This is it! The Final Blast! We are only 3-weeks away from WSSC! Mad Dogg Athletics is counting on you to spread the word and make this year’s event the global multicultural extravaganza that it has always been.
The World Spinning® and Sports Conditioning (WSSC) Conference offers cutting-edge programming, education and inspiration for fitness professionals and enthusiasts from around the world. With over 150 sessions from industry-leading brands, this event empowers instructors with the knowledge and motivation to take their fitness careers to the next level.
Whether you are a new instructor, a fitness dinosaur, or fitness enthusiast, this year’s conference is guaranteed to offer the latest and greatest the fitness industry has to offer; Spinning®, CrossCore®, Peak Pilates®, Ugi®, the All New Resist-A-Ball® Total Body Training, Yoga, Zumba®, Exercise Science, Nutrition, Top-Notch Instructing Skills, Coaching Techniques and much more.
Mad Dogg Athletics is requesting that all Education Partners send a “blast” and spread the word via email, social media and word of mouth to customers and fitness professionals within their region(s) reminding them of the upcoming event in Miami. Also, just a reminder, please include the 15% discount in your blast.
Dates and information of WSSC
When: June 1, 2018 – June 3, 2018 (Friday – Sunday)
Where: Intercontinental Hotel – Downtown Miami 100 Chopin Plaza Miami, Florida 33131 USA (305) 577-1000
May 31, 2017 (Thursday)
Pre-Conference Special Trainings and Events Spinning® Josh Taylor RAVE RIDE Becoming a Rockstar Instructor Certification SPINPower® Instructor Certification (English) SPNPower® Instructor Certification (Spanish) Spinning® Instructor Certification STRONG By Zumba® Training CrossCore® Bridge Training Mat Athletix Powered by Peak Pilates®
June 3, 2017 (Sunday) Special Events
Spinning MI Team Finale Celebration Ride Demo Equipment Sell Off
Feel free to forward the attached sample “blast” to your contacts.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you there!
WSSC – World Spinning and Sports Conditioning. Invites Education Staff TECNOSPORTS®
More information and registration®
Contact in Venezuela and the Caribbean Region:
Pedro González +58 412 0286490 / pedro@tecnosports.com.ve
Fernando –Fer- Acevedo +58 424 2239747
Deyanira Guarin de Rojas +58 424 8006175 / deyanira@tecnosports.com.ve
Cherly Espinoza +58 414 3707021 / cherly@tecnosports.com.ve
Representante de Educación de Mad Doog Athletics
José Alcalá Franco (WhatsApp) + 58 412 2419276 / alcala@tecnosports.com.ve
SPINNING® marca registrada por Mad Dogg Atheltics, Inc. Distribuidor Autorizado: Tecnosports de Venezuela C. A., para los territorios de Venezuela, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Trinidad y Tobago, Guyana, Surinam, Guyana Francesa. Los Talleres de Educación Continua de Spinning son impartidos solo por TECNOSPORTS de Venezuela C. A. y TECNOSPORTS Caribbean B.V.; José Alcalá Franco es el Representante de Educación, bajo autorización de MAD DOGG ATHLETICS, INC., cumpliendo los controles y calidad bajo la supervisión de Educación del Programa Internacional impartido solo por Master Trainer International.